Our first course, ‘AI for the wise’ will be on November 15th at WeWork in London, Waterloo.
It is in partnership with General Purpose, who are leading the field in ‘in person’ AI training.
There’s a 20% discount if you book early. Places are limited.
We’ve been on General Purpose courses and they are amazing. Informative. Interactive. Fun. And with on-going community follow up.
So when you sign up with General Purpose x Silver Academy you get ahead of the AI game, and your stay ahead of it.
‘AI for the wise’ is exclusive and bespoke to the Silver Academy. It will teach AI essentials, but with a ‘silver’ perspective.
‘AI for the wise’ will help you stay ahead in your current job, and use your wisdom and experience when working with AI to your advantage.
It will teach you to be an AI leader, not an AI follower.
Or if you are a freelancer, consultant, or entrepreneur, ‘AI for the wise’ will give you the springboard that you need to leverage the amazing potential of AI in your work, or business, and to thrive.
Either way you will not be alone. After the course you get ongoing General Purpose x Silver Academy back up and community.
November 15th. 9.30 am. WeWork. Waterloo. SE1. Find our more now. ‘AI for the wise.’
Sign up for our AI for the Wise course – Everything you need to understand to use AI at work, in partnership with General Purpose. Proven productivity gains in just three hours.
Our first course will be on the 15th November in London